Tancredo Applauds ICE Raids, Asks If More Are Coming

Date: June 14, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Tancredo Applauds ICE Raids, Asks If More Are Coming

Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), Chairman of the 99-member House Immigration Reform Caucus, cautiously applauded Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids on violent illegal aliens while he asked whether more widespread raids are planned.

"Every illegal alien murderer, rapist and gang member who is locked up or deported is a victory for the safety and security of America. But a high profile raid does not absolve ICE of its long-neglected duty to make law enforcement the rule and not the exception," said Tancredo.

ICE announced today that it had arrested more than 2100 illegal alien gang members, fugitive aliens, and other immigration status violators as part of a nationwide plan - dubbed "Operation Return to Sender" - that began in March.

"I wonder if the Administration is finally taking steps to enforce the law because Congress has not yet caved in to their demands for a guest worker/amnesty plan. If that's the case, then we should hold out as long as possible to keep them focused on enforcement," concluded Tancredo.

